Heat boils can be taken care of with a mixture of applications of home remedies and eating the correct diet. Heat boils are not a mere manifestation of external heat, but also a sign of internal body heat. You may find that they will suddenly erupt in the summer, but the reason for that is a combination of constantly perspiring, continuing to eat the same food you were eating in winter and  unrelenting heat of the summer season.

  • When you find yourself a victim of heat boils is to check your clothing. If you wear anything except loose fitting, preferably cotton clothing in the hot season, you are very highly likely to be afflicted with heat boils
  • If you are in an environment wherein you are constantly sweating, and there is no way for the perspiration to dry off. This is also another prominent reason for getting heat boils.
  • Excess perspiration in closed quarters can wreak havoc on your skin and body temperature. You have to make sure you cool off periodically if you want to be free of heat boils and rashes.
  • You should also make it a point to drink plenty of water during the hot season. This will ensure that your perspiration is not excessively strong, which is the kind that has a tendency to cling strongly as well. You should also try to get in at least a couple of liters of fruit juice into your fluid intake.
  • You can also add some things to your diet that will help to keep your body cool. Eat more citrus fruits, as these will help in fluid content as well as keep your body refreshed. Try to drink guava juice as this is a well known cooling agent. Make it a point to eat yogurt every day. This will help you considerably by keeping your inner body cool and nourished at the same time.

  • Onion juice or garlic juice may be applied on boils externally to ripen them, break and evacuate the pus. Juices of both these vegetables can be mixed in equal quantities and applied on the boil for beneficial results.
  • Milk cream remedy is useful in the treatment of boils. An excellent poultice for boils cure is, to apply a mixture of a teaspoon each of milk cream and vinegar with a pinch of turmeric powder. This helps to ripen the blood boils and heal them without letting them become septic.
  • Cumin seeds are beneficial in the treatment of boils. Cumin seeds are ground to a paste in water.
  • Applying turmeric powder on boils speeds healing process.
  • Maintain an overall healthy diet.Eat whole grains, leafy green vegetables, fruit, proteins, with a minimum of animal fat as per the daily servings. Restrict intake of sugary and refined carbohydrates (such as white bread and white rice) to a minimum.
  • Fresh air, outdoor exercises and breathing exercises are essential for toning up the system.

Avoid tea, coffee, sugary starchy foods, especially chocolates, pastries, sweets, cakes, white sugar and white bread. Avoid all condiments, sauces and pickles.
        HAVE A GREAT DAY FRIENDS..keep smiling:)


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